How To Make Blog Post Digests with

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How To Make Blog Post Digests with

If you write a lot of blog posts, getting them all into one place can be really useful. Having a digest of sequential blog post can streamline your promotion strategies on social media, and also serve as an easy reference tool for when you need links in the future.

Case study: The Aware Show

The Aware Show publishes summits every couple of months, 10-day series of interviews around a specific topic. Lisa Garr, the host of The Aware Show, interviews bestselling authors and experts on the summit’s topic, and promotes exclusive packages of the guest’s works to her audience.

After every interview, The Aware Show publishes a recap of the interview as a blog post. These blog posts are optimized for social media and SEO, and drive readers to watch the interview replay.

All of these recaps and interviews can be aggregated using

Blog Post Aggregation Tool:

By listing every summit interview on, I was able to generate a handy shortcode that could be used to display all of the information in a beautiful list, with a selection of layouts. When you add this shortcode to a blog post, this is how it looks:

Headline for Neurosummit 2015
10 items   2 followers   1 votes   2.71k views

Neurosummit 2015

10 interviews with top experts in the field of neuroscience, brain plasticity, and consciousness, including:

  • John Assaraf
  • Dr George Pratt
  • Dr David Krueger
  • Brent Phillips
  • Mark Waldman
  • Julie Renee
  • Howard Martin
  • Ann Weiser Cornell
  • Paul Hoffman
  • Dr Joe Dispenza

All interviews were conducted by Lisa Garr, host of the Aware Show.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 174
How to Heal Trauma in your Brain | The Aware Show

Think of issue you're dealing with, says Dr George Pratt, my guest on today's Neurosummit. While you are thinking of this issue, or an area of your life that needs healing, tapping your body and reciting an affirmation can leverage the massive power of your subconscious mind to heal your brain.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 184
Brain to Brain Communication - The Next Evolution of the Human Race

John Assaraf, my first guest on this year's Neurosummit, is a brain researcher, well-known author, and dynamic speaker and coach. He develops brain entrainment programs to help people make the most out of their lives, using the latest in behavioral psychology and neurological research.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 190
Coaching your Brain with the Power of Story | The Aware Show

We all have stories that we tell ourselves. Whether its a belief or a fact, it is an anatomical reality in our brains, says Dr David Kreuger, my guest on today's Neurosummit. "A visualization does the same thing as actually seeing it through the optic nerve," he said.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 204
Manifesting Miracles from Higher Dimensions | The Aware Show

Brent Phillips, my guest on today's Neurosummit, is not your ordinary healer. He did not begin as an intuitive, or an empath who could see auras; Brent is a software engineer who deconstructs how miracles take place. Regular listeners of The Aware Show already know Brent's story.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 155
Practical Tips for Everyday Neuroscience | The Aware Show

The field of Neuroscience is (pardon the pun) extremely heady. Today's guest on the Neurosummit, Mark Waldman, has had to sift through 33,000 studies to identify the 6 core components of consciousness. He uses this research for a very specific outcome: practical neuroscience.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 176
Regenerating your Body with your Mind | The Aware Show

We have a full choice whether we want to live or die, says Julie Renee, my guest on today's Neurosummit. Julie has an incredible story of miraculous healing. After being confined to a wheelchair, and battling with cancer multiple times, she had numerous doctors tell her that she only had a week to live.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 168
HeartMath and Thinking with your Heart

Most of our Neurosummit has been focused on the brain, but there is another major thinking organ in the body: the heart. "The heart is more than just a blood pump," says today's guest, Howard Martin.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 182
Feel the Way you Want to Feel | The Aware Show

There is a moment-to-moment wisdom that is available to us if we don't get in the way, says Ann Weiser Cornell my guest on today's Neurosummit. It's now been seen that the gut has 100 million more neurons than the spinal cord. We're starting to see that the mind is not just situated in the brain.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 210
Brain Entrainment Audio Programs | The Aware Show

"Every day when you wake up, you are creating a masterpiece known as you," says Paul Hoffman, my guest on today's Neurosummit. Paul is an award-winning musician and brain entrainment expert. By combining binaural beats, heartbeat patterns, and breathing patterns, Paul creates semi-hypnotic music that is designed to be the soundtrack to your ideal life.

Mar 06, 2015 - - 176
Greater Thinking can Manifest Miracles | The Aware Show

"More and more people at this time in history are waking up to their true potential," says Dr Joe Dispenza, today's guest on the Neurosummit. I think that what Dr Joe is doing is really changing the world, because he is creating a generation of self-made healers.

I prefer the Magazine style over all others, although the Grid style has some advantages. (You can see the Grid style in action here.)

You can also embed a in other blogs and CMSs by using some generated HTML code, so you are not limited to using a WordPress plugin.

How To Use

Create a free account, and name a list. It’s best if it’s based on a topic that you are interested in.

Add a bunch of blog posts on the topic. They don’t have to all be your blog posts; it’s actually a really useful networking tool if you add blog posts from lots of different authors and blogs. This way, you can connect with the bloggers and website owners you are promoting, ask them for a kind retweet, and score some brownie points.

The biggest advantage I find to is as a reference resource. It’s a bit like a supercharged Pinterest in this way; when I want to grab links related to a topic I have written a about, I have them all in one easy place.

If you use Buffer for your social media, for example, you can swipe your links from your every time your Buffer queue is empty. has it’s biggest impact in SEO. Look at all those links! With one shortcode, I was able to generate multiple links to all of these blog posts, effortlessly. Publishing a on different websites and platforms around the web can quickly circulate a lot of link love, and increase the visibility of your blog posts in search engines.

By |2019-07-12T06:54:19-06:00March 6th, 2015|Blog, Case Studies, Content Marketing, How To|


  1. Katie Smith March 12, 2015 at 4:22 pm - Reply

    I’ve never heard of before, but now I’ll be sure to check it out. I also love that you mentioned you can use it with Buffer.

  2. Ann Abbitz March 18, 2015 at 6:01 pm - Reply

    This is really some interesting stuff to consider… especially the SEO impact that can offer! The overall organizational benefit is a huge boost too… as anyone who has had to try to sift through months (and sometimes years) worth of content can attest to.
    Thank you for posting this 🙂

  3. […] . How To Make Blog Post Digests with,, Mar 6, 2015, Available from: (Accessed June 10 , 2015) […]

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