

Making a Montage Video


Video is about moments. The emotional power of a moment is incredible. For a powerful moment, anyone will stop what they are doing and pay attention. Collecting moments, however - that can be a challenge. During one of The Aware Show's interview summits on Light Therapy, there were plenty of moments, spread over more than ten hours of video content. Plenty of people would happily pay for accessing the premium video content in The Academy [...]

How-To Video Screencast Tutorials


People who know how to make a screencast tutorial have an undeniable advantage in communicating complex ideas on the Internet. Video screencasts are easy to make, and with a few video skills, they can look really good. But what really makes a great tutorial is: Storytelling. The web is a visual menagerie, and as you surf from place to place, pretty things can capture your attention for a moment. What makes you stop and pay [...]

How To Make A Two Minute Testimonial Video


Making a testimonial video is not very difficult, but it does take some planning. If you are willing to give a speech or throw a party, you can bring your camera along to capture some spectacular video testimonials. Testimonials sell where salespeople can’t. The best salespeople use video testimonials to support their claims. - Jeffrey Gitomer Video testimonials build your credibility and establish your reputation. When your prospective customer sees someone else talking about you, it [...]

The Sales Success Webinar Series – Live on Udemy


For the past few months, I've been really happy to bring my video editing services to the Sales Success Webinar Series. This library of professional development material was created by Jeffrey Gitomer and Andy Horner over the past few years. They've become masters of the art of the Webinar, with topics that range from closing more sales, to business social media, to delivering amazing presentations. These webinars have been used by thousands of salespeople and self-marketers [...]