Your website is your digital storefront.

The virtual territory that you have claimed and made your own, crafted according to your aesthetics and tastes, a place where you can receive your friends, your audience, and your customers.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
Steve Jobs

New website visitors make instant decisions about the character of your business and your brand, based on the first few seconds on your homepage.

Returning customers will sift through your pages, and their experience will leave them feeling one of two ways – better or worse.

A good web design can sway that decision.

Working with a professional web designer can make a lasting impression on the people who visit your website.

Your website is your soapbox, where you can showcase your expertise and establish your authority in your industry.

A professional design improves the image of your company, engages your audience with your message, and can help to increase customer inquiries and boost revenue.

A better website design, combined with more customers visiting your website, will result in more sales. Hiring a quality website designer is not an expense, it is an investment for your business.

Responsive web design is essential

mobile responsive website designResponsive web design makes it easy for customers to connect with your brand on a platform they use all day long: their mobile phone.

Making the effort to build a website won’t matter if the website can’t be easily viewed on a number of different devices.

Many people search the internet on their mobile phone or on a tablet, and older web designs don’t look good on little screens.

Responsive web design shifts the elements of your website depending on the size of the browser that is viewing it, so it looks good on every device.

Mobile friendly web sites are more likely to show up in local search results, and good local search rankings give you the opportunity to connect with more customers in your area.

Web design is more than meets the eye.

Website design encompasses more than just the “look and feel” of the site. Like Steve Jobs said, design is ‘how it works.’

  • How does your website encourage the flow of visitors from one step to the next?
  • What is the ultimate conversion goal for each website viewer?
  • What action do you want your new website visitors to do?

Your website is the foundation of your online marketing campaign, which is why it is essential to work with someone who understands the psychology of web design.

Let’s talk a bit about what a new website design can do for your future.

Answer these questions thoughtfully, and it will assist me in translating your vision into a happy website visit.

Web Design Intake Form

I want to know more than just what your new site will look like; I also want to understand what the new website will do for your business.

  • (and also, a bit about why I like each one)